Monday 28 April 2008

what a scummy -man

I wrote a dear jane’s letter, regarding what happened. Halfway through finishing it I realized it really doesn’t matter anymore.

Things happen, and yes, it’s disheartening to see it go down that way. But what it has shown me was far more valuable then the time spent getting into a slump over it. Some things are clearly not worth it, and this is just one of them. As for now… I can’t tell what's going to happen next, but I seriously don’t care.

It was not the theft that saddened me (okay. I didn’t suffer any loss, and frankly from the beginning I really do not care about it. That should explain why I didn’t ask you for the updates on it, I know what was happening anyway.) at first I couldn’t believe that you had accused me of doing it, and regardless of what u said ; that it was just a suspicion, u were pretty damn certain about that suspicion to actually act on it. Don’t give me bullshit on the police, they’re crap. I meant the things you yourself did.

What u said don’t correlate to each other, and the way u had acted towards me was; sorry to say, completely bitchy. You left me hanging, no explanations no justifications whatsoever to the way you acted. you made me doubt the things that I didn’t do.

I was resentful. I was bitter. But now I'm really just glad it happened. As you have surely put the quote out, no man can hide behind his mask forever. Thank you for showing me what you really are. And thank you dear, for putting up with my baseless rants and feeble emotional breakdown.


Now it’s time to move on to better things. Breaks coming soon, can’t wait to spend time slaving at the gym. FREEDOM’s next week, it’s gonna turn out to be awesome. ;)

But reality hits hard, finals before everything. How the hell are u supposed to digest 12 weeks worth of lectures in 12 days. God bless me.

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