what the fuck is wrong with you people? can't you just wallow into a hole, and say, die and make the world a much much better and beautiful place for everyone? if human contact is just too much for u to handle, common courtesy too complicated to comprehend, just stay off the streets, go back in your cave and stay there. trust me, it would make things a lot easier for everyone.
now that's off my chest. let's waste time on something more worthwhile.
for some who knows me, i may seem like a swinger. no not that kind in changing partners often, but more to changing my set of friends. i do admit that i do have some problems opening up to certain social situations (i.e. RELATIONSHIPS) , so i find it hard, and an unbelievably alien concept for me to be opening up to people. and to tell them what matters, what makes me tick and so on. that is why, for me, it was very easy making friends, surface ones at that.
as for the posses i left, there was various reasons for me to be doing so. the cf bunch was just a bit screwed up in the head. the people i was close with during the beginning at alpha just seemed too shady, and the green gang, well. that's what i wanted to talk about.
honestly, they are nice, amazing down-to-earth people. i truly enjoyed the time i spent with them, but after some time i realized something. they're just kids.
no, i'm not saying i'm the most grown-up person in the world, but i think that life needs a certain level of maturity to advance too.
i don't want to be playing games for the rest of my life. honestly, i had enough of animes and games and the whole obsessing about something-thing, it's enough. i like the place i am now.
so, yeah. i never told anyone about this, and i don't mean to hurt anyone, if i do, i am sorry.
back to idiocy. why do some people do this. tell one half of the story, and then pause and make u beg and ask the question again and again as if you're dying to know the rest of the story, and then refrain from saying so also.
please laaaaaaaaaaaaaa. who gives a fuck about your story. it's obvious that you are just dying to tell me, for the fact that noone else wants to talk to you.
haha. i feel so evil now. but i couldn't care less.
p/s - you're such a nice guy, you can't say bad things to other people. and yet with me, u continuously never fail to insult me. mucho gracias.
here in malacca, the favourite pastime of everyone, is to sip iced-tea and cock-talk about every soul that passes them. how to steer yourself from them? don't go out. i guess society in a whole is like that, this is just the small-scale of how the fucked up thing works. but, sometimes don't blame the community, blame yourself for providing enough cookie-bits for them to trail u back into your dirty little secret hole.
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