Sunday 18 November 2007

tahi cicak


i bet most of u guys are wondering why in the glistening blue sky is my blog called twelve am speed news. its not even updated daily at 12am, and heck its not even news. more like deranged thoughts from this pinkish electro-pulse inducing entity inside my head, which contrary to popular belief(s), still works fine.

wellll... let me tell u a story. once upon a time, a girl who sucks at naming things were born. and one fine day when the princess (ehem) turned 18-ish, she decided to take on this quest known as blogging, after failed at doing so for a very long time. as her birthright is that she sucks at christening stuff... she cracked her brains trying to think of a cool, scene name for her blogdom. finally, nightline came on TV3. and walla. *inser magic sparkles*

a miracle was created.

the end. (and they lived happily ever after)


so anyway, library sessions today was awesome. too bad there weren't any cute guys for me to menggatal with. hey i'm attached ok. have to give face a bit la pls. plus, this is good ol malacca, where news spread faster than butter on toast bread. it's a good thing, to hang out with friends, and cannot stress this more.

i lap yuuu guys!!!

u guys are the bestest craziest bunch of future justice officers i've met. and my god, the world really is doomed if the next generation's burdens are on our shoulders.. (makes me contemplate suicide. now that im at ixora, thigns are a lot easier no? meheh.)

and i hope that one of our friends will be fine tonight. hey, like the song line goes,

"even the best falls down sometimes"

but chill... there is also another song that goes..

"i love u, u love me, we are happy family"

as gay and garishly freaky that song is, i do believe that sums up most of it. we are here ok darl :)

mwaaaaaaaaaaaah!! time to masuk tidurland!

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